
Key Art Design

Print | TV | Campaign

Key Art Design

Megafires - The Global Threat

“All over the globe, catastrophic wildfires are threatening not only our homes and our lives, but also the climate and our future. This two-part documentary travels to the US, Canada, Europe and Asia to follow the work of a dedicated global community of scientists, firefighters and fire experts as they investigate the new era of megafires.”

For this docu-series, I really wanted to depict the intensity of how megafires are harming our planet, the destruction they cause, and how fire fighters are fighting a losing battle. I wanted to use colors as a way showcase visual harmony as well as to grab a viewer’s attention by incorporating contrast, movement, and visually striking imagery to engage anyone who sees it as a thumbnail or icon as they browse through different movies to watch. Having the typography interact with the subject matter felt like an important way to connect with the visuals of this piece, and have it stand out in an aesthetic, yet believable way.

Ettore Majorana - A Quantum Enigma

“Nearly 80 years after his mysterious disappearance in 1938, the life and genius of Ettore Majorana are still a source of fascination. The Italian physicist pushed the boundaries of Quantum Physics and Cosmology and made huge contributions to the understanding of dark matter and the Nucleus. This investigative memoir looks back at Majorana's life, as well as the history of Nuclear sciences.”

I created this piece with the words “mystery”, “physics”, and “cosmos” specifically in mind. I wanted the main focus to be of Ettore Majorana himself but I knew I wanted it to be more than just a simple portrait so I created a pattern of science and math notes and composed it in a way so that it would essentially be the illustrative foundation of the portrait, making up every detail of his face in the form of tiny letters, scribbles, and numbers. I added a beautiful galaxy overlay on top of the notes to not only provide an extra flare, but to convey his influential background and understanding of cosmology. I wanted to visually portray the brilliance and innovation that Ettore Majorana contributed to the scientific community, as well as how we understand much of it today.

Lady Killers

“British crime writer, Martina Cole, examines the life and times of the most notorious female serial killers across history and asks: why do women kill and why are we surprised when they do?”

Chiloé: Enchanted Archipelago

In South Chile there’s a magical place, the Chiloé archipelago, the last stronghold of the Spanish Conquistadors in Latin America. Here, a fusion of European and indigenous people created a unique cultural landscape firmly rooted in the sea and land, and religious devotion. This film is a portrait of this unique marine world where people, land and sea are forever wedded.

The Brain That Changes Itself

As new discoveries are made about the brain, scientists are finding that our minds are not hard-wired by age 18. Hear the amazing stories of men and women whose brains have changed and adapted, on their own, to overcome physical and mental disabilities.

Death Row: Faces of Evil

The Death Penalty. One of the most controversial talking points in America. For years the United States has sentenced criminals to the ultimate punishment. Explore the past, present and future of the ultimate sentence, how it has changed and the killers who have met their end by it.

The Lost Island of Madre De Dios

“In January 2017, a team of explorers set off to undertake one of the last geographic expeditions on the isle of Madre de Dios, a true terra incognita located in the heart of Patagonia and the Chilean Antarctic. To carry out this exploration speleologists, divers, geologists, botanists and biologists must face extreme conditions in this unexplored land to conduct their research.”

For this feature film documentary, I used a combination of different imagery to emphasize the adventure, extreme conditions, and scientific discovery that these professional researchers endured. I wanted to highlight the concept of exploration by showcasing three speleologists on a quest to make discoveries of the unknown. I also wanted to visually allude to the over-arching theme of exploring a foreign land where there is lots of opportunities to get lost, hurt, and face lots of challenges along the way. I felt that having a beautiful overcast image of trees gently blending in with the mountain formation which directly leads your eye to the title was a great way to depict the narrative of this riveting documentary. I also wanted the text to interact with the subject matter in a way that felt authentic to the content, and intriguing to the viewer. I felt that having the interaction between the text and imagery really brings this piece to the next level and stands out on any platform.

How To Be a Wild Elephant

“In 2010 a baby elephant named Sities was rescued after her mother was killed by poachers. Now three years later she has reached the age where she can be integrated into the wild elephant herds of Tsavo East National Park. Observes the challenges Sities will face as she leaves the safety of the Nursery and moves on to the next phase of her journey back to freedom.”

Hunting the Ice Whales

“For 25 years Japanese scientists have harpooned up to 900 whales a year in the name of science. Now on this unique quest into the coldest and most dangerous ocean on earth, internationally renowned New Zealand, Australian and French specialists will combine their expertise to prove non-lethal research can work.”

Britain's Outlaws: Highwaymen, Pirates and Rogues

“From the highways to the high seas, for a short period in the 17th and 18th Century crime was endemic. Men and women found fame as the most notorious and iconic Highwaymen, Pirates and Rogues. They became popular folk heroes and their adventures the stuff of legend written about and romanticized and, eventually, portrayed on the silver screen. But their true stories were even more remarkable.”


“Imagine a world where children happily do as they are told. Where wives are obedient to their husbands and your physical needs are met from cradle to grave within the resources of a single community. Gloriavale is a Christian community completely separate from society. This series goes behind closed doors to give us an insight into this secret world.”

Planet Earth - Our Only Home

“All over the globe, catastrophic wildfires are threatening not only our homes and our lives, but also the climate and our future. This two-part documentary travels to the US, Canada, Europe and Asia to follow the work of a dedicated global community of scientists, firefighters and fire experts as they investigate the new era of megafires.”

For this docu-series, I really wanted to compose an image that portrayed the fragile state of the earth and how delicate the existence of it really is. I wanted the imagery to be visually enticing but in a way that created an emotional connection between the visuals and the viewer. Because I wanted the earth and fire to be the main focus of this piece, I felt that it was necessary to desaturate the hands so that the eye would be naturally drawn to the most important elements. Additionally, I wanted the colors to be extreme and standout, because global warming and wildfires are an extreme situation and problem that ultimately needs to be solved. I felt that utilizing color in a maximal way and having it blend into the sky was a great way to showcase the text, create contrast, and create visual hierarchy.

Hitler’s Children

“This is the untold story of the ‘Lebensborn’. The Nazi's desire to create a the "superior" Aryan race, gave birth to a project where the Nazis raised ‘perfect’ children born of progenitors from the SS and women with well-defined racial grounds. For the very first time, the children born to this program find out about their existence as well as the dark secret of their origins.”

This piece was incredibly difficult to work on but I knew it needed to be depicted in a deliberate, yet historically accurate way without losing any authenticity. I felt that it was important to have Hitler’s portrait and the swastika as the main elements of this poster, as the narrative completely revolves around him and the horrific impact he had on the children in his Nazi regime. I came across an image of a memorial of children from World War II and felt that it beautifully and hauntingly tied the entire piece together as a whole, depicting the children that fell victim to this terrifying and monstrous “project”.

Some challenges I faced while designing the branding for this series was not only having to delve into this horrifying world as Jewish woman, but having to find the strength to put those horrors to the side so that I could professionally and artistically complete this piece. Additionally, finding historically accurate imagery that were public domain or ones we could afford to license proved to be a massive challenge but I found solutions by doing an immense amount of research and finding ways to access historical image libraries that were free for the public to use without any liabilities or copyright issues.

Crypto - The Future of Everything

“There is a digital revolution that is shaping your future and the future of money itself. The money in your pocket is worth less every day… so it is time to stake your claim in the future of the financial system, and participate in the wealth-creation opportunity of a generation. This is a democratic revolution, being driven by revolutionaries in technology, macro, and more.”

I designed this poster for the Crypto Campaign to attract customers to the Real Vision platform and sign up for a membership to gain an understanding about the world of Crypto currency as well as excite future members about understanding how digital assets are transforming the world and opening new doors. I wanted this campaign poster to take place in space alluding to the fact that Crypto and much of these new currencies are an entirely new world that has more to offer than most of us can comprehend. Because we are a video platform, I wanted the subject to be a silhouette of a futuristic TV-head as though he is a wealth of content and information, ready to share with those willing to learn. One of the most interesting elements of this design is that one can interpret the TV-head as a figure who is walking towards the door or away from it, giving room for the viewer to create their own narrative inside the world of Crypto. Is outer space the new world, or should you walk through the door to find out?